Mergers & Acquisitions
All topics of M&A such as company sales, company purchases, investments and in-depth strategy consulting
Management consulting for companies, founders, banks and notaries. In successions, process development, reorganisations and as advisory board / supervisory board member
Search for specialists & executives for companies as well as support for individuals in job search, career planning, application & presentation.

M&A | Kluger Sondermaschinenbau
The managing director of the company did not have an adequate successor and wanted to enter his well-earned retirement.
Consulting | Köppl GmbH
Dealers and manufacturers from low-wage countries are entering the market with different quality demands and price levels, and the influences of a completed succession situation also had to be solved and, as a result, the demanding processes in the development, production and distribution of the products had to be optimised.

Coaching | Byodo Naturkost GmbH
The managers have been raised to a common level in the field of people management with a modern view on the topic leadership.
Recruitment | Walter Köhler GmbH
Existing shortage of specialists & managers in the area of experienced service technicians.