Mergers & Acquisitions

All topics of M&A such as company sales, company purchases, investments and in-depth strategy consulting

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Management consulting for companies, founders, banks and notaries. In successions, process development, reorganisations and as advisory board / supervisory board member

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Search for specialists & executives for companies as well as support for individuals in job search, career planning, application & presentation.

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Individually tailored coachings for individuals and companies as individual or group presence events as well as online sessions

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  • The very practical seminar raised the employees to a common level and gave them a modern understanding of employee management. The practical parts were very profitable and help us to deal with our employees even better today, to bind them to the company in the long term and to use them in a targeted and efficient manner. The employees now deal with problem areas more confidently.
    Michael Moßbacher, Owner - Byodo
  • Mr. Wanner helped to develop the change process in the company, accompanied it, provided very important impulses and played a major role in putting it into practice. We appreciate Mr. Wanner with his unique practical expertise. By actively integrating the management and all affected employees, suppliers and service providers, Mr. Wanner managed to find practical solutions for us and to install and document them together with the team.
    Karl Köppl, Shareholder - Köppl
  • With the help of Mr. Wanner and his experience, he saved me from many stumbling blocks. I particularly liked his tips as an experienced consultant, which saved me from making entrepreneurial mistakes with upcoming investments in the 6-digit euro range. This saved me a lot of "teaching money", which I can now use to expand my young company.
    Marco Bojko, Owner - Bojko
  • After our company had made a loss of almost 525 TEUR, Mr. Wanner managed to turn the situation around in only 8 months and achieve a profit of 620 TEUR. With his decisive and very diplomatic manner, he enabled the employees to understand and accept the often rapidly introduced innovations and to develop them further on their own initiative.
    Ursula Augenstein, Shareholder - Augenstein
  • Mr. Wanner conducted the entire transaction in an extremely professional and goal-oriented manner. His project support was characterized by transparency, helpfulness and fairness.
    Arnulf Pucher, technical director | Stefan Fuchs, commercial director - Strabag
  • The practice-oriented approach of Wanner GmbH, as well as the expertise of the acting persons convinced us to make a new start in recruitment. Here, people from practice act with creative and successful search processes. Mr. Wanner not only managed to generate the urgently needed applicants with the defined professional competence, but also presented applicants who fit ideally into our team on a human level.
    Armin Stangl, Managing Director - bebro group
Firmenübergabe Kluger

M&A | Kluger Sondermaschinenbau

The managing director of the company did not have an adequate successor and wanted to enter his well-earned retirement.

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Consulting | Köppl GmbH

Dealers and manufacturers from low-wage countries are entering the market with different quality demands and price levels, and the influences of a completed succession situation also had to be solved and, as a result, the demanding processes in the development, production and distribution of the products had to be optimised.

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Coaching | Byodo Naturkost GmbH

The managers have been raised to a common level in the field of people management with a modern view on the topic leadership.

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Recruitment | Walter Köhler GmbH

Existing shortage of specialists & managers in the area of experienced service technicians.

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