Ecological footprint of Wanner GmbH reduced
With the support of local companies
Sustainability and climate protection are key issues in Germany that are currently the subject of intense political and social debate. For us at Wanner GmbH, these topics play a major role in consulting on a daily basis. We are therefore setting a good example here and are constantly working to reduce our ecological footprint.
Sustainability and recycling
When renovating the company building in 2015, our owner and managing director Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Reinhold Wanner placed great emphasis on sustainability and, for example, only commissioned local companies with the construction work. In addition, used materials were reused wherever possible.
Climate protection through state-of-the-art technology
The use of energy-saving LED lighting technology throughout the building was a matter of course for the trained electrician. A modern roof construction with appropriate insulation and, of course, the preservation of the massive beech hedge in the garden, which provides nesting space for countless birds and starts every morning with a chirping concert.
Environmental protection – lived locally
The logical next step in 2024 was to replace the gas heating system with a modern heat pump, which is powered by a large photovoltaic system. This also supplies the offices and all the technology with electricity. Thanks to adapted battery technology, operation is even self-sufficient at night.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the customers of Wanner GmbH who have made these technical solutions possible.
- Heat Pump: Walter Köhler GmbH from Waldkraiburg
- Photovoltaic System: Unterholzner Photovoltaik Service GmbH & Co. KG from Marklkofen